martes, 2 de septiembre de 2014


Never in my life i visited another country :c because i dont have money :c (only know little parts of chile some beach, concepcion, los angeles and nothing more)
One of my dream is travel in airplane ><

I would like to know many countries and special one country with so much wildlife, know chile in specially i would like the south, but the first i would like go to Canada.
the reason is because i never traveled to snow and when i was a girl i saw on television beautiful places with so much snow in canada :c
I imagine that is very cold! hahaha for this reason i like only visited and i dont know more. I dont like plan the things! i like live the moment and think that i will decide in a future if i like live or work in other country. For this moment my only plan that my future is study one semester of my career in other country but i dont know in which country.

I hope to travel someday :D <3

1 comentario:

  1. canada is a good decision the people are so kindly and the snow is the best i think xd



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