martes, 18 de noviembre de 2014

One of my favorites songs

This is Bones from The Killer.

The Killer is one of the best British band of the century, besides I love the lead singer, he had a really good voice. “Bones” is my favorite song of the band, next to “Mr. Brightside“, is a great song to, the rhythm of “Bones” is very funny, energetic and every time that I listen to I want to sing and dance all day. I like the lyrics are sweet and optimistic because are an invitation for someone special. But the thing I love of the song the most is the video, is so entertaining overcoat the dancing skeletons, and when they are waking on the beach. That is so fun!



We took a back road. 
We’re gonna look at the stars. 
We took a backroad in my car. 
Down to the ocean, 
it’s only water and sand 
And in the ocean we’ll hold hands. 

But I don’t really like you, 
apologetically dressed in the best, 
but on a heartbeat glide. 

Without an answer, 
the thunder speaks for the sky, 
and on the cold, wet dirt I cry. 
And on the cold, wet dirt I cry. 

Don’t you wanna come with me? 
Don’t you wanna feel my bones 
On your bones? 
It’s only natural. 

A cinematic vision ensued 
like the holiest dream. 
It’s someone’s calling? 
An angel whispers my name, 
but the message relayed is the same: 
“Wait till tomorrow, 
you’ll be fine.” 
But it’s gone to the dogs in my mind. 
I always hear them 
when the dead of night 
omes calling to save me from this fight. 
But they can never wrong this right. 

Don’t you wanna come with me? Don’t you wanna feel my bones
on your bones? 
It’s only natural. 
Don’t you wanna swim with me? Don’t you wanna feel my skin 
on your skin? 
It’s only natural. 

Never had a lover, 
never had soul. 
Never had a good time, 
never got gold. 

Don’t you wanna come with me? Don’t you wanna feel my bones
on your bones? 
It’s only natural. 
Don’t you wanna swim with me? Don’t you wanna feel my skin 
on your skin? 
It’s only natural. 
Don’t you wanna come with me? Don’t you wanna feel my bones
on your bones? 
It’s only natural. 
Come and take a swim with me. Don’t you wanna feel my skin 
on your skin? 
It’s only natural

martes, 2 de septiembre de 2014


Never in my life i visited another country :c because i dont have money :c (only know little parts of chile some beach, concepcion, los angeles and nothing more)
One of my dream is travel in airplane ><

I would like to know many countries and special one country with so much wildlife, know chile in specially i would like the south, but the first i would like go to Canada.
the reason is because i never traveled to snow and when i was a girl i saw on television beautiful places with so much snow in canada :c
I imagine that is very cold! hahaha for this reason i like only visited and i dont know more. I dont like plan the things! i like live the moment and think that i will decide in a future if i like live or work in other country. For this moment my only plan that my future is study one semester of my career in other country but i dont know in which country.

I hope to travel someday :D <3

martes, 26 de agosto de 2014


I like other careers (related with science) but i study veterinary medicine because was my dream since forever, for this, verarinary was my only option, my reason is the love for animals >< i think that animals are more beautiful in the world <3 no as people ¬¬ for example the people lie or hurt others. The animals don't knows bad feelings.

For this moment i like so much this career, is a good experience<3 i'm very happy to stay here, is very nice come to university because is very green and beautiful, with my friends is very funny, i smile everytime and i forget the problems.
I like this place but in a start for me was a very strange because in my high school i studied with so many man and now is very different >< to be precise, do not talk to any boy here. (i talk with
few people because i'm shy >< )
In the future i want  work in clinics or with wild animals. (really i dont know for this moment that will work in the future, i like so much things) only know that i want help animals.

This career is perfect to me, I stay in the place i should be stay <3

martes, 12 de agosto de 2014

About me

Hello :D my name is Nicole but my friends call me nysho, born in Santiago on November 27nd 1995, i'm 18 years.

My family are two persons, my mother and me, dont have brothers or sisters, my mother is parvularia and she is happy with that. My father is not important in my story, he's not next to me, but i'm happy :). I like the animals, i have three beautiful dogs (Layka,Luna and Mirmidona) they are mi life and my reason for study vetererinary medicine c:

Well... i studied in a High School a little special because was a professional technical school. I studied
telecommunications but i dont like ( i hate telecommunications) D: but now i study veterinary medicine in the "Universidad de Chile" and i'm very happy :D i like this career but sometimes is very difficult (because in my school never studied science) ><

In my free time i like see anime TnT listen music and read a good book,go to the cinema :D i'm very lazy =.=

Welcome to my life. ♥


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